Keith Oehmig, “Center Harbor, Brooklin, Maine,” oil on board, 24” x 30”

The Wiscasset Bay Gallery and Wiscasset Bay Gallery Modern & Contemporary opened for the season May 28th to celebrate the start of the gallery’s 32nd season and the opening of “New Maine Paintings.” Both receptions are free and open to the public, with light refreshments.

Highlighting this show are a collection of thickly painted oils of Monhegan Island vistas and bold expressionist nudes by David Kasman.  Contrasting Kasman’s deep, moody palette are colorful, high-keyed oils by Keith Oehmig and Michael Graves. In Oehmig’s “Center Harbor, Brooklin, Maine” the viewer sees the historic village’s harbor in royal blues and warm mauves. Graves’s “Sailing off Islesboro” depicts a Marconi rigged schooner set against billowing clouds with the Camden Hills in the distance. Carlton Plummer is exhibiting several watercolor and acrylic works on paper rendering the foliage and sea in lyrical abstract forms.

Additional contemporary New England artists showing in the exhibition include Tom McCobb, Paul Niemiec, Judith Magyar, David Lussier, Geer Morton, Guy Corriero, Scott Redfern, Diana Johnson, Tom Curry and Roberta Goschke.


Jules Pascin (French 1885-1930), “Dame de la Nuit,” hand-colored etching, 4 ½” x 3 ½”


In conjunction with the contemporary exhibition, many important American and European artists are represented. Andrew Winter’s (American 1893-1958) “Dories on Fish Beach” and Sears Gallagher’s (American 1869-1955) “Base of Blackhead” capture the village and coastline of Monhegan Island. A rare hand-colored etching of “Dame de la Nuit” by French modernist Jules Pascin (1885-1930) will also be featured. Other noted twentieth century artists include Charles Ebert (American 1813-1959), Gordon Grant (American 1875-1962), George Benjamin Luks (American 1867-1933) and Lucien Moretti (Italian 1922-2000).

Wiscasset Bay Gallery Modern & Contemporary located at 8 Federal Street will feature surrealist photography and paintings along with vintage and mid-century works.

“New Maine Paintings” will continue through July 6th. For more information, call 207-882-7682, or visit the gallery’s website at www.wiscassetbaygallery.com. The Wiscasset Bay Gallery is open daily from 10:30 am until 5:00 pm, and is located at 67 Main Street (Route One) in historic Wiscasset village.