

June 20, 2024

Dearest friends, artists + art lovers,

Welcome to the Cafe des Artistes email newsletter. Thanks so much for joining us!

I received so many requests for “When is the Cafe deadline?” that I posted the schedule and deadlines for the entire year. Only I got this particular Cafe edition’s dates wrong! I’m sorry if I messed up anyone’s release dates.

Our summer is kicking off with today’s Solstice, the earliest Solstice since George Washington was president. Despite the recent heat wave (102 degrees in Caribou but 74 in Lubec), our season is off to a fine start. The weather has been lovely, the economy is strong, gas prices are fairly low, and the visitors are here.

Our new gallery guide is a hit, with many warm compliments and requests for more guides. Let me know by reply if you would like more guides. If you are an advertiser, have you seen your listing page on our website? Check your page out here, and let me know if any updates are needed.

Here is the 2024 Maine Gallery + Studio Guide digital edition to flip through and download. Links are live! Single copies of the printed edition can be ordered on our website

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