Paris Lamppost 24 x 24 oil
Paris Lamppost 24 x 24 oil

Art Space Gallery invites you to the August Arts in Rockland first Friday art walk.  We will be hanging a new show in our front room.  Please stop by and join us for wine, refreshments and meet our artists Friday, August 5th , 5 to 8pm.  This reception will feature the work of Sandra Leinonen Dunn, Roger Barry, Sylvia Murdock and Hannah Nelsbach.

Sandra Leinonen Dunn is a Maine artist whose work is in collections throughout the country and internationally.  She is best known for her intuitive use of color and her lyrical brushwork.

Roger Barry , Trees,  Wood
Roger Barry , Trees, Wood

Roger Barry makes reliquaries from native hardwoods, many have secret locks. Heavily carved and beautifully finished, these may hold precious personal items or just enhance your decor.  Roger also creates sculptures and dreamlike tree houses that light up and draw starry nights on ceilings.

Sylvia Murdock, My Favorite Words, watercolor
Sylvia Murdock, My Favorite Words, watercolor

Sylvia Isabelle Murdock was born in Barre, Vermont in 1963.  Primarily a self-taught artist, Sylvia has painted seriously since she was 12 years old. Paints primarily with watercolors, but has been known to paint in egg tempera’s & oils. Sylvia has exhibited in museums and, galleries from Searsport to Pennsylvania.

Hannah Nelsbach, Low Tide III, gouache on canvas
Hannah Nelsbach, Low Tide III, gouache on canvas

Hannah Nelsbach’s work reflects many years experience with a wide variety of media. Her intriguing work combines fantasy and realism.  She jumps in her paddle boat at high tide and floats along the cove, sitting in the mud at low tide and catching our nature with the beauty and silence of the ocean.  Later in her studio she finishes her work with fantasy and details. 

Art Space Gallery is located at 342 Main Street across from the Strand Theater in Rockland.  The gallery features works by nineteen artists who work in various media and genres.  August hours are Monday through Saturday 11am to 6pm and Sundays 1am to 6pm.  Visit our website for more information at or join us on Facebook for up to date gallery news.