From May 1 through May 27, the Caldbeck Gallery, 12 Elm Street in Rockland, will exhibit new work by Krisanne Baker of Waldoboro, in an exhibit titled “Breathing Light: explorations below the ocean’s surface of what makes life above possible”. Also hanging, “A Flower Show”, an exhibit of work by 10 artists. Two of those artists are showing at the Caldbeck for the first time: Annie Bailey of Tenants Harbor, and Bayard Chanler of Rockport. The other 8 artists are Cicely Aikman, late of Friendship, Elizabeth Awalt of Swans Island, Lois Dodd of Cushing, Jeff Epstein of Cushing, Maggie Foskett, late of Camden, Nancy Glassman of Searsmont, Paul Plante, late of Oquossoc, Barbara Sullivan of Solon, and Nancy Wissemann-Widrig of Cushing. A reception will take place on First Friday, May 5, from 5-8 pm.
In Baker’s exhibit, the 18 paintings in oil on wood panel measure 8 x 8 inches, 12 x 12 inches, and 24 x 12 inches. Focusing on the underwater scenes that she witnessed last summer during her Monhegan Artists Residency, the artist brings to light what we normally don’t see. “There’s a whole world down there that we know less about than we do the moon”, says Baker. “I feel it’s vital for people to learn that the oceans, and all the waters from upstream that lead to the oceans, are the lungs and arteries of this planet. The waters keep flowing and pumping; we need to respect the oceans for their life giving function – not just for the fish, whales, and phytoplankton that live in them, but for all of us. Those life giving components of the ocean web create the material that all living things depend on”. This summer, Baker will take part in a 2 week artist residency at the Shoals Marine Laboratory on Appledore Island in Maine. There, she will do her own research and exploration of phyto and zooplankton, and will also share her artistic vision with the lab’s students of marine field science. Together, artist and students will creatively connect the disciplines of art and science. In addition to the paintings in her Caldbeck show, Baker will install in a front window, “Phytoplankton: Living, Breathing”, her sculpture made from recycled glass.
In “A Flower Show”, 10 different artists give 10 different interpretations and visions of nature. Annie Bailey’s loose interpretations are like short poses in figure painting – no time to describe in detail, just give the flow of color and shape. Bayard Chanler’s oil paintings carry the charm and warmth of the tradition of flower still life painting. Maggie Foskett’s cliché verre photographic print of a mirror imaged iris, portrays the voluptuousness of mother nature. Cicely Aikman’s primal Florida palm flowers do the same. Elizabeth Awalt steeps us in Maine’s springtime. Each of the 10 artists shows us that flowers in art will never grow old or out of date.
Exhibitions run May 1 – May 27, 2017
Reception: First Friday, May 5, 5 – 8 pm
Spring Hours: Wednesday – Saturday, 12-4
FMI: [email protected] 207 594 5935
Categories: Artists Reception, exhibitions, First Friday, gallery, openings, Rockland, Rockland, shows