Paul Strisik, Morgan’s Cove, Oil on canvas 16 x 24
Paul Strisik, Morgan’s Cove, Oil on canvas 16 x 24

Cape Ann, the oldest art colony in the US, has long inspired American artists with roster of painters that read like a virtual who’s who of American art. Among the thousands are Fitz Henry Lane, Winslow Homer, John Twachtman, Childe Hassam, and Edward Hopper. This show features three prominent Cape Ann artists: William Lester Stevens, Paul Strisik and Tom Nicholas. Each enjoyed a long career both painting and teaching, won several hundred awards, and was elected to the National Academy. My other reason for choosing them is that they all also loved to paint Maine.

Born in Rockport, Mass., William Lester Stevens was their first native son to achieve a national reputation. He co-founded the Rockport Art Association in 1921 with the goal of making art more accessible to all people. Paul Strisik was widely respected for his willingness to share his talents with young artists, and wrote several books, his last one being “Capturing the Light in Oils.” Tom Nicholas has been at the forefront of American landscape painting for almost a half century and was one of the youngest members ever elected to the National Academy.

Their works, as well as a dozen more Cape Ann artists, can be seen at the Blue Hill Bay Gallery throughout the month of July, 10-4 pm Tuesday thru Saturday. For more information call 374-5773.

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Categories:   Blue Hill, gallery, shows
