Local Color Gallery in Belfast is pleased to be adding Marjorie Arnett, Tanya Harsch, and Leslie Moore to their selection of artists.

Marjorie Arnett paints with oils on stretched canvas. She thins, pours, pushes and sands oil paint until the surface reflects layers of a nonrepresentational composition or one that is subtle in suggesting reality. She wants the viewer to be drawn in by bold strokes that slowly move toward the story told by quieter areas of the composition.

Leslie Moore is a printmaker, a pen-and-ink artist, and an animal lover. She uses one block to print multiple colors, carving a bit more out of the block between each color. It’s called kamikaze printmaking, because the block is carved down to almost nothing by the end of the print run.

Tanya Harsch studied classical drawing and painting at both the Florence Academy in Florence, Italy, and the Ravenswood Atelier, in Chicago, IL. She works in oils on linen or panel, and her work can be found in private collections around the world.

Local Color Gallery is open every day at 135 High Street in Belfast. Learn more at localcolorgallerymaine.com.

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