Annex Arts’ summer programming is in full swing with virtual activities that celebrate storytelling.

The Village Reads program is off and running. In the spirit of the international City Reads and One City, One Book programs, Village Reads is rooted in the belief that better understanding of our world, our community and ourselves can more powerfully emerge through reading and discussing impactful books together.

To participate, simply read the selected book, register for Village Reads at to get updates, read Annex reader-in-residence Sonja Krušič O’Donnell’s blog at to receive notices and interactive “bonus content” to accompany the reading, and attend the live, interactive virtual author events.

“Call Me American,” by Abdi Nor Iftin, reading starts on July 15 and the virtual author event is at 4 p.m. Monday, Aug. 10.

If you haven’t already bought your book, be sure to reserve/pre-order a book at Compass Rose Books or your local village bookseller soon so that we can be sure to accommodate your book needs. Witherle Public Library and Blue Hill Public Library have several copies to borrow.

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