Shop Maine Craft is excited to announce the return of Guild Fine Craft Show: Belfast after two years hiding out from COVID, and with a brand new venue: Waterfall Arts.

Waterfall Arts, founded in 2000, is a 501(c)(3) charitable and educational nonprofit organization. It is a community arts center located in Belfast that meets its mission through classes and workshops, exhibitions, community studios, events and arts-outreach programs.

Shop Maine Craft is thrilled to be at the new location, partnering with a like-minded institution. The show will be entirely outdoors with a large tent in their spacious yard. Waterfall Arts will be open and available to the public during all hours of the show.

Registrations are open for the Scarborough, Belfast and Brunswick shows to current MCA Guild Level members. Go to to register.

2022 Guild Fine Craft Shows Schedule:

Scarborough: Aug. 13 + 14 @ Ketcha Outdoors

Belfast: Sept. 17 + 18 @ Waterfall Arts

Brunswick: Oct. 22 + 23 @ Fort Andross