Lucia Droby of Carriage House Gardens, Sherry Dunbar of Tim Dunham Realty and Francie Siegfried of Birch Home Furnishings & Gifts enjoy the Wiscasset Business After Hours event at the Maine Art Gallery in Wiscasset. In the background, Andy Rogers of Jolie Rogers Raw Bar opens an oyster for Maine Art Gallery treasurer John Sawyer. Photo by Bob Bond.

By Kay Liss

A lively crowd of about 30 local businesspeople turned out for the Maine Art Gallery’s Business After Hours event on Aug. 24. While viewing artwork from the annual Members’ Show, they enjoyed Damariscotta River oysters on the half-shell and mixed with fellow Wiscasset business folks and MAG board members. At the end of the evening, door prize winners were announced: Pat Cloutier won a painting “Sunken Gardens,” donated by artist and MAG treasurer John Sawyer, and Michael Olyzienski won a gift certificate to Birch Home Furnishings and Gifts.

Over 100 works are represented in the show, including painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, assemblage, collage, photography, and digital imagery. “The approaches, technical skills and imagery are wide-ranging, which makes for a lively show,” said Mark Coates, exhibit chair. Artists were invited to submit two works for display. 

MAG members come not only from the midcoast area, but also from areas of Maine where a venue to show art may not exist. Member participation helps to make the Maine Art Gallery sustainable and plays an important part in its mission of building community through the arts. The Maine Art Gallery gratefully acknowledges show sponsor First National Bank and season sponsor Sherri Dunbar of Tim Dunham Realty.

The show will be up until Sept. 17.

The Maine Art Gallery is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement and preservation of painting, sculpture and graphic arts through exhibitions, lectures, demonstrations and educational programs for children and adults. The gallery is located at 15 Warren St., Wiscasset. Hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday through Sunday. Visit for details.