In this woven rug, “Whirled Leaves,” Sara Hotchkiss applies her vision and skill to bring art and beauty into everyday things. The rug is included in “The Artful Interior” at the Maine Art Gallery in Wiscasset.

“To make something functional requires skill. To make something beautiful requires a refined aesthetic. To make something both functional and beautiful takes a very special kind of person,” says Cynthia Pappas, curator of the upcoming exhibition at Wiscasset’s Maine Art Gallery. The works are on view from Sept. 21 to Oct. 21 with a reception for the artisans from 4 to 7 p.m. Sept. 23.

“The Artful Interior” celebrates makers working in wood, fiber, clay, metal and more. Most of the objects perform a distinct function and are designed to be effective as well as beautiful. 

“The maker creates with the user in mind to craft an object which brings joy and beauty to the owner’s life and to their daily routine,” notes Pappas. “A piece of the maker stays with their work, so each time the user settles into a familiar chair, steps barefoot on a woven rug, holds a mug or a spoon in a certain way … that connection between maker and user is strengthened.”

A few of the featured artisans include weaver Sara Hotchkiss, furniture maker Eben Blaney, broom maker and wood carver Eric McIntyre, metalsmith Christopher Bissett, artist and designer Michael Olszewski, bookbinder Joelle Webber, ceramic artist Michelle Michael, woodworker Patrick Moore and weaver Hillary Crowell. A juried exhibition of paintings of interiors and still lifes enhances the fine crafts.

The Maine Art Gallery is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement and preservation of painting, sculpture and graphic arts through exhibitions, lectures, demonstrations and educational programs for children and adults. The gallery is located at 15 Warren St., Wiscasset. Visit for details.