BAYVIEW Tarlin Hedge
Work by Joanne Tarlin.

Bayview Gallery will feature the semi-abstract landscape paintings of Harpswell painter Joanne Tarlin in an exhibition in June, with a reception from 5 to 7 p.m. June 14 in conjunction with Brunswick’s Second Friday festivities.

Rich with allegory, Tarlin’s paintings draw from her empathy and concern for the natural world. She uses flowers or brambles or water to symbolize people or environmental situations. Pursuing deeper meaning, Tarlin queries, “What if I could show the beauty of the world juxtaposed to the ill winds that blow across it?”

Tarlin earned her MFA from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Tufts University. She moved to Harpswell (from Massachusetts) in 2019, where she continued her long-standing commitment to community arts. Tarlin serves as vice president of the Union of Maine Visual Artists.

Tarlin exhibits her work in New England, yet her paintings have found homes with international collectors. Her work was recently featured in an article by Robert Kiener for the March/April (2024) edition of New England Home magazine.

Bayview Gallery is at 58 Main St., Brunswick. Contact the gallery at 207-729-5500 or [email protected], or go to