Cruising the Bay, oil, 12×30”, Jean Kigel

 Benner Island, oil, 14×17”, Jean Kigel

Kigel cruises the bay in “The Power of Place” show at the Damariscotta River Grill.  Her Asian brushwork, watercolors, and oils continue on display at 155 Main Street, Damariscotta through July 8.  Kigel, along with  Sally Loughridge, Candace Vlcek and Kigel showcase the lure of the Midcoast with their watercolors, oils, and pastels.    “Maine is my birthplace and muse,” says Kigel, “while nomadic travel gifts me varied inspiration.” The Grill is open seven nights for dinner, starting at 4:00pm. Happy hour at 3:00.  FMI  call 207-563-2992 or visit

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Categories:   Announcement, Art exhibit
