Kigel Two Bridges Hangzhou
“Two Bridges Hangzhou” by Jean Kigel.

This June, Jean Kigel shares her talent with Mid-Coast artists Sally Loughridge and Candace Vlcek in a show titled “The Power of Place” at the Damariscotta River Grill, 155 Main St. This show runs from May 28 through July 8 with viewing hours from 3 to 8:30 p.m. daily. A portion of dinner proceeds will be used to fund an art scholarship for a Lincoln Academy student pursuing an art education.  

“I am fortunate to have Maine as my birthplace, as well as my permanent home for painting,” Kigel says. “Here I will stay. However, there are many places in the world that have empowered me to paint.”

“The Power of Place” includes Kigel’s paintings of Jordanian deserts, Chinese canals and the Maine coast. Kigel uses watercolors, Asian brush techniques and oils, with varying degrees of realism occasionally bordering on abstraction.

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