Author: AnthonyMGSG22

Henry Isaacs: Working Color II at Gleason Fine Art

Cranberry Island artist Henry Isaacs paints with energy, passion, and self-assurance. His style—broken brushwork and a palette of delicate blues, greens, pinks, and yellows—marks him as one of the most recognizable artists painting in Maine today. In person, Isaacs is as engaging an individual as you will ever meet. He is both worldly and down […]

Announcing the 2017 Portland Fine Craft Show

The Maine Crafts Association presents the 3rd Annual Portland Fine Craft Show on August 26, 2017 on Congress Street in Portland. The show features over 100 juried fine craft exhibitors from the greater New England area. We’re grateful for support from our event sponsors, including MECA, DOMAINE, West End News, Artscope, CyberCopy, Daunis Fine Jewelry, […]

August Events at the ANNEX and Gallery B

Lyn Mayewski – An Exhibition of New Felted Animal Sculptures – a Fundraiser to Benefit Endangered Species The felted sculptures are primarily of endangered and threatened animals throughout Maine and the world.  Half of the proceeds from sales will go to the World Wildlife Fund and the Climate Change Institute. @Gallery B, 5 Main Street, […]

Portland Museum of Art presents Winslow Homer Studio Tours

The Maine that you know and love started with Winslow. Before Winslow Homer arrived at Prouts Neck, no artist had connected Maine to the world’s popular imagination to the extent that he would soon after. His imagery depicted the region with uncommon passion, and drew artists and curiosity seekers to the state in a pilgrimage […]

Colby College to host Art & Land Conservation Symposium, August 3-4

Organized by the National Park Service, in partnership with the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, and Maine Arts Commission, the 2017 Art & Land Conservation Symposium will take place at Colby College in Waterville on August 3-4, 2017. This two-day conference will explore the critical role of 19th and 20th century visual […]

New Artwork at Pemaquid Art Gallery

As they have in past seasons, the exhibiting artists of The Pemaquid Artists Group have refreshed their panels with new works of art.  Visitors to the gallery after the mid-season point will discover many new and exciting oils, pastels, acrylics and watercolors.  In addition to larger framed works, gallery visitors will find smaller and very […]

Betts Gallery Opens Comfort Zone

Please join Betts Gallery at an opening reception on Friday August 4th, 5:30-8pm, for their late summer show entitled ‘Comfort Zone’. The show features paintings by two expressive midcoast artists, Kathleen Mack and Carol Sloane. Mack divides her time between Round Pond, Maine and Italy, and Sloane between Washington, Maine and Nova Scotia. In Mack’s […]


Paint the Town, Waldoboro’s annual plein air event and art auction, is returning on August 5th. Many well-known artists will rendezvous in one of the Mid-Coast’s hidden gems, and spend the day painting select views of the historic village and surrounding countryside.  The fresh art will be auctioned off at day’s end, following an artists’ […]

Verrazzano’s Islands of Maine at Blue Hill Bay Gallery

The August show at the Blue Hill Bay Gallery features the three Maine islands sighted by Verrazzano in the summer of 1524: Monhegan, Isle au Haut and Mount Desert. The show encompasses over 30 Island paintings from different eras by a wide variety of artists working in oil, pastel and watercolor. Paul Bernard King’s “Monhegan Harbor” […]

Connecting form, color and line at York’s George Marshall Store Gallery

The mid-summer exhibitions at York’s George Marshall Store Gallery make inspiring visual connections between painting, prints and sculptural ceramics.  Work by Wendy Prellwitz and Phyllis Ewen, two Boston based artists, are paired with ceramics by New Hampshire ceramist David Ernster. Still life paintings of flowers, interiors and local landscapes by Portsmouth artist Amy Brnger fill […]