Green Eyes by Maurice Michel Lode
Green Eyes by Maurice Michel Lode

The Main Gallery will feature “ART with ATTITUDE”. On display are works by Nancy Baker, Bill Cook, Jeanette Steele Esposito, Linda Funk, Kris Johnson, Constance Kiermaier, Roger Kirby, Sharon Larkin, Maurice Michel Lode, Greg Mort, Elaine Niemi, C.W. Oakes, Elaine Reed, Jimmy Reed, Mimo Gordon Riley, Antonia Small, Holly Smith and Eleanor Zuccola.

Norcross Coral by Ron Weaver
Norcross Coral by Ron Weaver

June 17th – Oct. 10th
Reception June 17th, 5-8 p.m.

On display in the New Wing, “Without Words”, a celebration in memory of artists Leo Brooks, Nat Lewis, Donn Moulton, Cam Noel, Carl Sublett, William Thon and Ron Weaver. Thou the artists are no longer with us their work lives on.

June 17th – July 17th
Reception June 17th, 5-8 p.m.
In addition to fine ART the gallery offers a large variety of antiques and collectibles as well as quality crafts including whimsical driftwood fish by Claire Perry, decoupage by Davene Fahy, hand carved decoys by Stephan Hill and mixed media stained glass, mosaics and pottery by Dona Bergen. Metal Sculptors Jay Hoagland and Brian Read will have works on display through out the gallery as well as outside in the ever expanding Sculpture Gardens. The gallery is open 10-5, Wed. thru Sun. or by appt. and is located 12.7 miles down the beautiful St. George peninsula in Martinsville. For more information call (207) 372-9996 or visit