“Reusable Tote Bags” by Hillary Hutton of Vienna, Maine - Weaver
“Reusable Tote Bags” by Hillary Hutton of Vienna, Maine – Weaver

“Conservation Matters” at the 41st Annual Mount Desert Island Directions Fine Craft Show, July 29-31, 2016 – Atlantic Oceanside Event Center in Bar Harbor, Maine.

In celebration of the Acadia National Park Centennial, the Maine Crafts Guild is coordinating an event titled, “Conservation Matters.” Guild members have been challenged to design and produce works featuring natural/conservation themes. Artwork may range from production to one-of-a-kind pieces and will be available for purchase during the fine craft show. A percentage of sales will benefit Friends of Acadia.

A special gathering is planned for the evening of Friday, July 29, 2016 – the opening night of the show. Refreshments will be served, along with a cash wine bar and live music from 5-8pm.

 “Honey Coins” by Stephani Briggs of Portland, Maine - Jeweler
“Honey Coins” by Stephani Briggs of Portland, Maine – Jeweler

Show attendees will have the opportunity to meet the makers of these Acadia-inspired pieces, while experiencing myriad media, artful displays and excellence in craft customary at all Maine Crafts Guild shows. $5 adults; under 18 free. July 29-31, 2016 – Fri. 5-8pm, Sat. 10am-5pm & Sun. 10am-4pm. Atlantic Oceanside Event Center, 119 Eden Street in Bar Harbor, Maine. For more information, please email: mdi.show@mainecraftsguild.com or call 401-935-6704. mainecraftsguild.com