Left: Jean Kigel, “Dock Patterns”  Right: Caroline Loder, “Red Buoy #12”
Left: Jean Kigel, “Dock Patterns” Right: Caroline Loder, “Red Buoy #12”

Event Date:
Fri, 08/05/2016 – 5:00pm to 8:00pm

Event Location:
Archipelago Fine Arts Gallery, 386 Main St Rockland

Contact Name:
Lisa Mossel Vietze, Archipelago Director: (207) 596-0701, lvietze@islandinstitute.org

 Archipelago Fine Arts is celebrating summer with a new exhibition including Jean Kigel, Caroline Loder, Dylan Metrano, Lacey Goodrich, Wayne Hall, Michele O’Keefe, Stephanie Crossman, Jeff Barrett, Carolyn Kemp, and Lin Lisberger. The public is invited to a reception at the First Friday Artwalk on August 5th from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. The show will be up until August 28th.

 Highlighted artists include Jean Kigel of Waldoboro and Caroline Loder of Chebeague Island.  Philip Isaacson, former art reviewer of the Portland Sunday Telegram, wrote that “Kigel is a master of the oriental brush. Her work with ink or ink with color strikes the viewer as spontaneous, loose, bold, the product of a difficult skill, an attitude acquired through commitment and study.” Archipelago will be showing her watercolors.

 Caroline Loder uses a simple palette of colors aiming to achieve the sense of calm and serenity she feels on Chebeague Island. Archipelago will be showing some of her larger oils.

 The gallery and store are located at 386 Main Street in Rockland and are open seven days a week.