
Deer Isle illustrator and furniture designer Bruce Bulger will exhibit his drawings in large format at the DeerIsle Artists Association gallery from Oct. 22-30, 2016. In addition, Bulger will discuss his work at a public reception held at the DIAA gallery on Sunday, Oct. 23 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. He will be in the gallery creating his work from Noon to 5 p.m. at the gallery on 15 Main St., Deer Isle.

The exhibit, called Projection, will feature Bulger projecting his sketchbook drawings onto large canvases on the DIAA walls. He will then paint and draw onto the canvas.

Bulger described the process he’ll use as follows: “When in the landscape or many other drawing situations (after you have chosen the motif), you have to make some choices: what medium to be used and surface to draw on. Watercolor paper, which may be purchased in journal form, is my preferred choice. So now get to work. Timing is critical. Every mark counts, so focus on the rectangle in your control. You are composing what’s on your mind and fingertips — distance, nearness, solidity, light, dark, etc. Say you have worked hard for an hour and your time is up. Take a deep breath, look deep and return to the piece at your next chance. Open your book and continue to make decisions on what makes it art.  I propose to project the small drawing large. Many important decisions have already been made. This is where your marks will feel freer. Your new larger marks will be stronger energetic, loose and important.”

Bulger graduated from the Philadelphia College of Art as an illustrator. He has been an illustrator and furniture designer for 40 years. His studios and gallery are on Deer Isle at the old Deer Isle High School Seamark Building. Bulger’s work may also be viewed at www.brucewbulger.com.

Founded in 1972, the Deer Isle Artists Association is a member-run nonprofit organization committed to creating and exhibiting art. Our more than 100 members include painters, sculptors, printmakers, jewelers, photographers, ceramicists and fiber artists.