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“Paint the Town,” midcoast Maine’s most delightful plein-air event and fresh paint auction, is returning to Waldoboro on Saturday, August 5, 2017. Natalie Masse and Jan Visser will once again coordinate and host this year’s event at their property in Waldoboro’s Historic Village, 995 Main Street, former home of the Roaring Lion B&B. The annual one-day event, which provides artists with an opportunity to paint from unique and private vistas around the town, will culminate in a reception, featuring live music, local wines, and fresh lobster rolls, followed by a live auction of the day’s compositions. Artists can download registration forms from Paint the Town, Waldoboro’s Facebook page at or pick up at the Waldoboro Public Library, 958 Main Street in Waldoboro. Proceeds benefit the Waldoboro Public Library, the Lion’s Club, as well as Medomak Valley Land Trust and the Waldoboro Volunteer Fireman’s Association. To request a registration form via email, obtain additional information, or learn about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Natalie Masse at