Gallery Sign

The Pemaquid Group of Artists opens its 89th season on Sunday June 4, with a gala public reception from 5 until 6:30 p.m. in the Pemaquid Art Gallery located at Lighthouse Park.  The park is renowned for its panoramic views of sea, shore, and sky and the historic Pemaquid Lighthouse, which graces the Maine quarter. Refreshments, conversation with the artists and exciting new works of art will be featured.

The Pemaquid Group of Artists has invited Midge Coleman of Newcastle, Bill Hallett of  Nobleboro, Cindy Spencer of Wiscasset and Steve Viega of Walpole to permanent membership.   Sarah Fisher and Kathleen Horst both of Damariscotta and Mary Mabry  of Waldoboro  will be guest artists for the current exhibition season. They will show their work, together with that of 26 other juried members of the group, at Pemaquid Art Gallery at Lighthouse Park beginning Monday, June 5.  Thirty-three panels/exhibition spaces will be filled with original artworks in oil, pastel, watercolor, gouache, and acrylic as well as marquetry, pottery and turned wooden bowls.

New 2017 Artists at PAG

The Pemaquid Group of Artists invites you to visit the gallery often.  Ongoing sales permit the gallery to display new works continually.  The gallery is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Columbus Day.  For more information, please call the gallery at 677-2752 or vist