Hoagy, digital conflation on canvas by Petrea Noyes
Hoagy, digital conflation on canvas by Petrea Noyes

Fine art photography and mosaics by teaching artists Lindsay Pinchbeck and Argy Nestor, are on display in Tidemark’s first show of the season along with the innovative canvasses of Lincolnville artist, Petrea Noyes.

In a special preview for the show on Saturday June 3rd, Nestor and Pinchbeck will give their Pecha Kucha presentation of their experience last summer in Africa with Go!Malawi! a Hebron, Maine-based arts education exchange program. MVHS teacher, Jacob Newcomb will do the introductions.

The gallery will be open at 6pm and refreshments will be served following the 7pm presentation.

Tidemark will also host a reception for the artists from 4 to 7 on the following Saturday, June 10, as part of ArtWalk Waldoboro