“Crab Apple”, Watercolor on Vellum, Curly Lieber
“Crab Apple”, Watercolor on Vellum, Curly Lieber

New Era Gallery in Vinalhaven presents “In the Garden” beginning Saturday, June 24.  The show features Gobelin-style tapestries by Don Burns, botanical drawings and watercolors by Curly Lieber and stoneware sculpture by Gail Savitz.  There will be an artists talk in the Windy Way Barn at 4:30 pm followed by an opening reception in the main gallery from 5:00–7:00pm.

The exhibition will run through July 12.  Summer gallery hours, beginning June 25, are Monday through Saturday 10:00am – 5:00pm, Sunday 11:00am-2:00pm.  For more information call 863-9351 or visit neweragallery.com