The Cynthia Winings Gallery presents Blue Hill First Friday: Artist Talk: Susan Cohen and Marilyn Turtz of the ‘Deer Isle Journal’, a special project in the Cynthia Winings Gallery, Friday, July 7, 5:30

On FIRST FRIDAY, October 7, the Cynthia Winings Gallery presents an Artist Talk by Susan Cohen and Marilyn Turtz of the ‘Deer Isle Journal’, a special project in the current exhibition, Light Source. The two accomplished landscape painters will share their experience of painting together on Deer Isle for many years, and the inspiration they find in the landscape. Please join me at 5:30 for their presentation and an opportunity to see the exhibition, Light Source. Everyone is welcome!

Contact: Cynthia Winings, 917-204-2001; info@cynthiawiningsgallery.com