Jeffery Becton, “Equinox,” 2016, digital montage realized as archival pigment print;
Jeffery Becton, “Equinox,” 2016, digital montage realized as archival pigment print;

The Deer Isle Artists Association presents Maine artists Jeffrey Becton, Françoise Gervais and Chris Raphael at its fourth ART matters 3 session UNIQUE PERSPECTIVES at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 4th, at the Deer Isle gallery. Moderator: Hub White.

The artists all take the art of photography in new and different directions. Jeffery Becton works in digital montages, while Françoise Gervais focuses on capturing nature’s iconic beauty and Chris Raphael uses cut and re-combined images to express three-dimensional form.

About the Artists:

As an islander, Jeffery Becton is especially drawn to the ocean, finding meaning and inspiration in its challenging and mercurial presence, the embodiment of the beauty and harshness of life and proximity of death.

“Since 1990 I have worked in the medium of digital montage,” Becton said. “Combining primarily elements of photography as well as painting, drawing, and scanned materials, the techniques I use foster and give form to intriguing ambiguities, reexamining the boundaries of mixed media and creating altered realities that merge into images rich in symbolism both personal and archetypal.”

Francoise Gervais, Ethereal Shell
Francoise Gervais, Ethereal Shell

Françoise Gervais creates her artwork from a desire to honor nature’s iconic beauty. “Awestruck by the simple yet exquisite detail of a seedpod, a feather, a leaf, or a shell—often glanced at and forgotten, or never seen—I seek to offer a visual voice to these stunning icons of our natural world, so we may see and remember with fresh eyes that which is always there,” she said.

Chris Raphael over the past few years has been exploring ways to go beyond the limits of traditional still photography. Using cut and re-combined images without digital manipulation his work expresses three-dimensional form, time and motion.

Chris Raphael, “Untitled.”
Chris Raphael, “Untitled.”

Art Matters 3

Each artist has a short time to speak at the beginning of the ART matters 3 discussion. When all are done, the artists will talk among themselves and then hold an open discussion with the audience. A reception follows with 44 North Coffee, tea and homemade cake.


For more information visit or call 207-348-3129