July 5-18

Thursday, July 5, 5-7PM

Pre Columbian Masterpieces:
Taino Artifacts with Larry Roberts

The Taino people lived in Hispaniola from roughly 1000-1500 AD. They left a brilliant record of astonishing stone artifacts relating to their cosmic beliefs and their consumption of psychoactive drugs. Mr. Roberts will bring a hundred or more of anthromorphic and zoomorphic artifacts. He is a published author. These are the real things. Astonishing! With a presentation at the Northeast Harbor Library on Friday, July 6 at 5:30PM.

 Barbara Heinrich:
Contemporary Classic Jewelry

Largest grouping from Thursday–Saturday, July 5-7

Barbara’s recognizable style consists of distinctive visual vocabulary defined by matte and burnished surfaces. Modern aesthetics and innovative construction meet old world craftsmanship and seductive materials. She grew up in a vineyard in Germany, and will be here Thursday evening through Saturday.

 Audrius Krulis:
Beauty and Refinement for the Body

A new jeweler for us, Audrius works in 18 kt. gold and gemstones with an emphasis on color and form with inspiration from the natural world. His work is refined and wearable, but with an exotic reverence for materials and a keen appreciation of how jewelry fits on the human form.

Jessica DeFrenn:
Hoary Men and Abandoned Women

Jessica grew up on Swans’s Island and went to Art School in San Fransisco. She paints the men in her past, and the women in her imagination. Magical Realism and Down East Maine provide beginning and ending points of reference for this talented young artist.

 Spotlight on Liang-Chung Yen,
Michael Banzhaf, and Dell Fox