Roger Goldenberg “Longstocking”


Opening Reception: Saturday September 15, 5 – 7:30 PM.

Fall Exhibitions include ‘OAA Expressions,’ an exhibition with a wide variety of subject and medium and “Roots” a theme show. Two small Memorial Exhibitions will commemorate the lives and work of painters George Burk and DeWitt Hardy. Invited New England Sculptors exhibit in the outdoor Sculpture Court. Painters Roger Goldenberg and Ethel Hills Showcase their work in the North Gallery.

Join Ethel Hills for a free Gallery Talk on Thursday, September 13 at 6 PM.

Andy Happel and Los Galactacos will give a concert on Saturday, September 8, 7:30 PM. There is a charge for the Concert. All other events are free.

Join us for ‘The Ogunquit Art Colony: History & Legacy of the OAA’ a discussion and celebration of the 90th Anniversary of the Ogunquit Art Association on Thursday, September 20 at 6 PM.

Barn Gallery closes for the season at 5 PM on Columbus Day, Monday, October 8, 2018

FMI: 207-646-8400 or