Looking ahead to October, and the final ArtWalk of the 2019 season, Tidemark Gallery + Café in Waldoboro will be putting a timely focus on the art of the home. That word, “home,” means something unique to each of us, but for everyone, home should mean safety, comfort, and the freedom to be our true selves. 

While the domestic arts, or “home-making,” are essential to our lives, they are too often under-appreciated. To do our part, we’d like to invite artists and makers in our community whose work recognizes or contributes to the beauty of home in paintings, drawings, fiber art, pottery, metal work, etc., to a curated gallery show at TMG. Artists and makers who are interested in learning more about size, medium, or other considerations should contact TMG by email not later than August 11. Also, please feel free to share this invitation with fellow creatives. Both 2D and 3D work will be considered. All work will be for sale.

A special feature of this event will be a live “fashion show” of aprons. Plain or fancy, traditional or innovative, these should be practical garments that serve their purpose of protecting the wearer from things messy or hazardous. Date and details for the fashion show will be announced on September 9th.

Because the apron has long been used as a metaphor for the power of women, and because October is Domestic Violence Awareness month, we’d like to contribute a portion of the sales from this show to New Hope for Women.

Dates and further details will be posted on Tidemark Gallery + Café’s Facebook page and at tidemarkgallery.com  All inquiries by email — no phone calls, please.

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