Clay vessel by Al Scovern


The power of ZEN opens at CRAFT Gallery in mid August.  The gallery has selected four artists to represent the philosophy of ZEN and their use of the  three symbols of the circle, the triangle and the square in fine art and craft. Al Scovern, Daphne Taylor, Tim Van Campen and Dudley Zopp each employ the ZEN symbols in pottery, quilting, printmaking and computer generated art.  Their tools and methods date from ancient times to Tim Van Campen’s computer generated art of the 21rst Century. Potter Al Scovern uses organic materials and forces: clay, chemistry, flame and smoke in the tradition of African and native American pottery, often combining it with his own process of gold glass overlay which cracks upon firing into intricate lacy patterns.  Quilter Daphne Taylor’s “quilt drawings” are meditative and reflective of the profound silence found in her Quaker background and in the traditions of Japanese Sashiko and Shishu embroidery dating back a thousand years. Artist Dudley Zopp uses the circle in “Sun Flower”, one of five of her framed monotypes in the ZEN show that she created for “A Butterfly Careless”, a collaborative limited edition letterpress book of Haiku poems available at CRAFT.  The gallery also presents new work by master clay artist George Pearlman as well as other accomplished and nationally recognized fine art and craft artists working in Maine today.


“Sun Flower” monotype by Dudley Zopp


The gallery will participate in Rockland’s First Friday Art Walks on September 6th and October 4th and is proud to be part of the Art Capital of Maine. ZEN will continue to November 1rst. CRAFT is located in the courtyard at 12 Elm Street in Rockland. Gallery hours are 11 to 5 Tuesday to Saturday and Sunday by chance.  FMI call 207 594 0167 and visit