Julee Holcombe “American Babylon” archival digital print, 36” x 37”

The formal exhibition schedule continues at Old York’s George Marshall Store Gallery with three complete and intriguing shows featuring ceramics, embroideries and photography.

From functional to sculptural, the work of twenty-one accomplished New England ceramic artists is showcased. Working with techniques as varied as sgraffito, slip trailing, and combining clay with found objects, these New England artists represent the vibrant, contemporary ceramics being created today. The show is titled “A Community of Potters.”

Courtney Sanborn (detail) “The Wedding” Embroidery on linen whitework, 44” x 14”

At first glance Julee Holcombe’s photographs seem to depict real places and landscapes. One quickly realizes that if these images depicted reality you might not want to go there. Using computer programs she seamlessly combines images of buildings and places from around the country and the world. In “American Babylon” one can recognize some of our local landmarks such as the Portsmouth Naval Prison, waterfronts and mill sites. Much like Sanborn’s embroideries, Holcombe’s photographs suggest a narrative which encourage the viewer to stop and contemplate what is myth and what is reality.

The exhibitions continue through November 10. Gallery hours are 10-5 Thursday through Saturday and 1-5 on Sunday. 140 Lindsay Road, York, Maine. The gallery is a program and property of the Old York Historical Society.