“Why Buy the Cow,” by James Southard.

To mark Maine’s Bicentennial year, this show focuses on some of the history, practices, triumphs, and challenges of farming in Maine over the last 200 years — from homesteading to dairy, potatoes, blueberries, the local food movement, and present-day changes and challenges.

This exhibit encompasses a wide range of media to depict just some of the rich history of farming in Maine. Maine Farmland Trust is proud to partner with the Penobscot Marine Museum to exhibit seven glass-plate photographic prints on loan from the Eastern Collection of oxen, draft horse teams, and scenes of the harvests of corn and potatoes. Also on display are six black and white photographs from PMM’s new collection by Kosti Ruohomaa, courtesy of Black Star Publishing Company, depicting crisp, clear images of hard working farmers in their daily lives.

Join a few of the artists featured in the show, along with Kevin Johnson, curator and collections manager from the Penobscot Marine Museum, and others to talk about some of the history of Maine farming and the inspiration of its people and landscape during a virtual artist talk from 5 to 6 p.m. Aug. 21.

Learn more about the artists and their work at https://www.mainefarmlandtrust.org/200-years-of-farming-a-bicentennial-celebration. View the full exhibit at https://artcld.com/show/maine-farmland-trust-gallery-200-years-of-farming-a-bicentennial-celebration.

RSVP for Virtual Artist Talks at https://donate-now.mainefarmlandtrust.org/event/200-years-of-farming-a-bicentennial-celebration-artist-talks/e292839.

Join visual arts resident James Southard, academic writing resident Sophie Kelmenson, and several guests for a chance to learn more about their work during a virtual open studio from 6 to 7 p.m. Aug. 25.

Join Margot Kelley, the literary arts resident for September, and several guests to learn more about her work during the September Virtual Open Studio from 6 to 7 p.m. Sept. 30.

Maine Farmland Trust is a statewide, member-powered nonprofit working to protect farmland, support farmers, and advance the future of farming.