“Harvesting Kelp,” by Susan Tobey White.

Join Archipelago in celebrating Maine’s working waterfronts with the new gallery show “20 Miles,” on display through Sept. 27. “20 Miles” features the work of Susan Tobey White and her series “Lobstering Women of Maine,” a collection of paintings and stories highlighting women working on Maine’s waterfronts. Other artists include Abe Goodale, Andre Benoit, Val Aponik and Laurel Averill.

“Maine artists are having important conversations and bringing forth important ideas right now, and this gallery show is a wonderful example of that,” said Lisa Mossel Vietze, director of Archipelago. “We are proud to feature all of these amazing pieces and share the stories of our working waterfronts and this important piece of Maine culture and livelihood for our islands and coast.”

For centuries, Maine’s working waterfronts have served as the critical connection between communities and the sea. They have helped craft the state’s sense of identity and reflect the bold and determined character of the men and women who work on the water each day. From shipbuilding to shipping and aquaculture to lobstering, these iconic places scattered along Maine’s coast ignite a feeling that connects us to something deeper, connects us to a way of life where one person, a boat, and a place to land it can craft a deep and sustaining connection for their community.

It is estimated that fewer than 20 miles of working waterfront remain along Maine’s more than 5,000-mile coastline, and only 17 percent of these working waterfronts are protected by the state’s Waterfront Access Protection Program. As of 2019, the value of Maine seafood, including aquaculture and wild harvest, was just under $674 million with the total impact on the state’s broader economy extending into the billions of dollars — all of which relies on the Maine’s working waterfronts.

The pieces in “20 Miles” depict the variety of work happening along Maine’s waterfronts through different mediums, including watercolor and pencil, reclaimed wood, acrylic and silk paintings.

Located at 386 Main St. in Rockland, the Archipelago Fine Arts Gallery features artists who work with natural, coastal, and working waterfront themes inspired by living and creating art in Maine. Both the store and the gallery are open Wednesday through Saturday, fro 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

To learn more about the artists and work featured in “20 Miles,” visit the gallery page of the website or the Archipelago page on Facebook. For general questions regarding Archipelago or the gallery show, contact Archipelago director Lisa Mossel Vietze at 207-596-0701.