“Spring Equinox,” by Stephen Jonassen.

Mars Hall Gallery opens its 2021 season on June 18 with a group show titled “Pandemic Productivity.” With nowhere to go and an abundance of time, artists have been very productive.

This exhibit will showcase new works by Nancy Baker, Ian Baird, Jeanette Steele-Esposito, Kris Johnson, Stephen Jonassen and Eleanor Zuccola, along with oils and acrylics by Sharon Larkin, Maurice Michel Lode, Jimmy Reed, Manuel Rincon, Russell Smith and Ron Weaver, watercolors by Linda Funk, Nat Lewis, Cam Noel, Elaine Reed and Carl Sublett, and outsider art by Bill Cook, Bill Nichols, Elaine Niemi and the late Rudy Rotter. There will be no opening reception at this time, due to health concerns.

A variety of new crafts, including decoupage, stained glass, mosaics, pottery and metal sculptors will be displayed throughout the gallery and outside in the sculpture gardens.

Also check out Nancy Baker’s mural on the back of Thomaston Grocery. She will be very busy this summer painting phase two of the project. The mural portrays a village scene of long ago and can be seen online at knox.villagesoup.com.

Mars Hall Gallery is located 12.7 miles down the beautiful St. George peninsula at 621 Port Clyde Road (Rt. 131) in Martinsville. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 5 pm. Wednesday through Sunday and by appointment. For more information, call 207-372-9996 or go to www.marshallgallery.net.