The Ogunquit Arts Collaborative and the Ogunquit Art Association (Maine’s Original Artists’ Group) will present the “OAA Expressions Early Summer 2021” art exhibition.

Once artists are juried into the Ogunquit Art Association, they may show whatever they like within their categories of painting, graphics, photography or sculpture. The organization’s original 1928 mission statement offered lifelong memberships and the opportunity “to display that which is, in his or her own judgment, his or her finest work, free from the usual vagaries of popular opinion and fashions of taste.”

This mission statement gives the artists a chance to mount shows of breathtaking variety and vitality, as evidenced in the work represented in the “OAA Expressions Early Summer 2021” show.

Enjoy a virtual preview of select images from the “OAA Expressions Early Summer 2021” exhibition. Barn Gallery is open in Ogunquit from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday through Oct. 11.