S.B. Walker

The Center for Maine Contemporary Art will host an in-person gallery talk by exhibiting artist S.B. Walker in conversation with Edward Earle in CMCA’s Bruce Brown Gallery at 5:30 p.m. July 23. Admission to the talk is free and refreshments will follow.

The discussion will explore Walker’s extensive work creating his comprehensive photographic survey of Maine, which is the subject of his solo exhibition Nor’East. Edward Earle, former Curator of Collections at the International Center of Photography notes in his exhibition catalogue essay, “In this exhibition, Walker offers a fresh approach to the lyric documentary tradition. He eschews a narrative structure or the study of one subject, his images create a collective interpretation of Maine’s social landscape.”

S.B. Walker (b. 1987) lives and works in Rockland and Portland. His works have been exhibited internationally and are in the public collections of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; Peabody Essex Museum; Smith College Museum of Art; The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Brown University; The Thoreau Institute; and Paul Sack Photographic Trust. His projects have been featured in The New York Times, The Guardian, Smithsonian Magazine, Lens Culture, Hyperallergic and Aperture, among others. His first monograph, Walden, was published in 2017.

CMCA is located at 21 Winter St., Rockland. Summer hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. For more information, go to https://cmcanow.org.