“Backlit,” by Poppy Balser.

Camden Falls Gallery will feature the works of Poppy Balser in the exhibit “A Sailor’s Dream,” through Aug. 18.

The show features over 30 paintings in watercolor and oil depicting the balance, challenge and seamless beauty of boats under sail.

“The gallery is taking a break from its annual ‘Camden Classics on Canvas Show’ usually held this time of year to feature Poppy’s work that pays homage to the glory and beauty of Camden Harbor and Lyman Morse’s ‘Camden Classics Cup Regatta’ held at the end of July,” says gallery owner Howard Gallagher.

An avid sailor and insatiable artist, Balser surrounds herself in the beauty of coastal Maine and the Canadian Maritimes and has an uncanny ability to record what she experiences on the water onto canvas. Balser sketches en plein air and uses these studies as an important reference tool back in the studio to produce larger, more deliberate and intentional works. Her goal is to transfer the open air feeling of being outside in nature into her studio work. She paints outdoors through all seasons, finding her inspiration in the seacoast and landscapes. 

“I feel so fortunate to live near the shore, with huge tides that sculpt our seacoast, dramatic waves and haunting fog, there is always something new to paint,” Balsar says. “This practice enables me to observe my subjects over time so I can create paintings that resonate strongly with the viewer.”

Balser lives in Digby, Nova Scotia, and is an elected Signature Member of the American Society of Marine Artists and the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor. Her work is showcased internationally, and Camden Falls Gallery is honored to be her only gallery representation in the U.S.

Camden Falls Gallery is at 5 Public Landing in Camden. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Call 207-470-7027, email info@camdenfallsgallery.com, or go to www.camdenfallsgallery.com for more information.