“HUGHES-BOSCA: Bold and Gold Jewelry”

Current exhibits at Shaw Jewelry run from July 29 to Aug. 11.

BELLE BROOKE: “Order and Chaos in Tight Packages”

Brooke’s studio and gallery are located on Canyon Road in Santa Fe. Her lattice-like jewelry is composed of circles, ordered and otherwise. Her work is often fitted with gemstones, playing with scale, lyrical and precise, and made by human hands in her New Mexico studio.

“HUGHES-BOSCA: Bold and Gold Jewelry”

These are two women jewelers who walk on the wild side. Their uninhibited and unrestrained dive into boldness, inventiveness and de luxe is evident in every piece. The world is their source for the global kitchen of materials and forms present in this high-karat and gemstone explosion. They are Shaw Jewelry’s most in-demand artists.

SAM SHAW: “Two Figures Make a Narrative”

Sam Shaw continues to abstract the human form through painting and sculpture. When two people are seen together, a story emerges. Here they are floating, dancing, joyful and erotically charged. Pieces are rendered primarily in black and white to exaggerate the sensuous forms.

Work by Audrius Krulis, Shauna Blythe Burke and Liaung-Chung Yen is also currently highlighted at Shaw Jewelry.

Shaw Jewelry is at 128 Main St., Northeast Harbor. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Call 207-276-5000, email info@shawjewelry.com, or go to shawjewelry.com for more information.