RONA FISHER: Primal Elegance in Precious Metal

Rona Fisher’s love of the outdoors explodes in her jewelry. She is enamored with the rush of water over stones, and how the energy passes from water to rocks to the wearer. Mixing metals and rough textures with rose-cut diamonds, she creates an energetic dynamic that’s well-suited for a modern aesthetic.

JOHN WOODRUFF: Intersection of Painting and Photography

Drawing upon images of the sun and moon, John Woodruff prints these, then cuts them into amorphous, organic shapes. With dramatic lighting, he photographs the paper images sandwiched between layers of glass to achieve enhanced color and shadowy drama. They become immersive fictional landscapes.

Work by So Young Park, Biba Schutz and Jeff and Susan Wise will also be highlighted.

This work will be displayed from Aug. 26 to Sept. 15.

Shaw Jewelry is at 128 Main St., Northeast Harbor. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Call 207-276-5000, email, or go to for more information.