Anne Black will exhibit “Flights of Fancy” at Eastport Gallery from Sept. 14 to Oct. 3.

Black will be at the Eastport Gallery at 109 Water St. on Sept. 19 and 26 and Oct. 2 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. to answer questions about her work. The gallery is open Wednesday through Sunday through Oct. 3.

In her own words:

I am drawn to many art mediums, including photography, painting and mixed media. Inspired by changing light and atmosphere in both nature and urban settings, I take special delight in unexpected vantage points, reflections, abstraction, complex layering, intuitive mark-making, vivid color and texture. My recent work merges photography, drawing and painting into layered digital works. Two of my favorite elements in the digital montages I create are monotypes made with gelatin plates and ink drawings, both of which I scan and convert to digital files. Photographic elements are featured in some of the montages, as well. I use Photoshop to create complex layered works, often making different versions to explore changes in the way various layers interact. The process is endlessly fascinating! I ­either print the resulting digital artwork onto fine art paper and mount it onto a wood panel, or onto transfer film before transferring the image to a prepared wood panel using a special transfer process developed by Bonny Lhotka at Dass Art. The process is very labor intensive, but I love the sparkle and immediacy of the result and look forward to exploring the many possibilities of this process.

The pieces in this show represent a range of work, from layered acrylic monotypes and impressionistic photographic montages to more recent montages which incorporate ink drawings and whimsical illustrations.  The centerpiece of the show is an entire painted/printed/collaged/constructed world of an imaginary wildlife refuge, complete with a lighthouse, which I created as part of a group challenge to use an old volume of Encyclopædia Brittanica and create something with it. I created this piece at my studio in West Concord, MA in the summer of 2018, just after a serendipitous visit to Eastport which resulted in finding the site of my now finished new home in Eastport. Wildlife Unbound has also found its true home in Eastport, and I am excited to present it in my first solo show at the Eastport Gallery.

More information about Black and a link to her personal store is at