“Spring Winds,”by Kaitlyn Miller, is featured in the current gallery show, “Currents and Channels: Four Coastal Maine Artists” at Archipelago.

Archipelago in Rockland receives deliveries daily to ensure that they feature new artwork and craft pieces by Maine artists throughout the year. When summer turns to fall, and farmers markets and craft shows cease, Archipelago is a great source for local shopping, allowing customers to continue to support Maine artists throughout the year.

Archipelago has curated a collection of items specifically for autumn, which are available online, in person at the shop and for free curbside pickup.

Shop online at https://thearchipelago.net/collections/all or in person at 386 Main St., Rockland (masks required). Store hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. Call 207-596-0701 or go to www.thearchipelago.net for more information.