Work by Jean Kigel.

As summer morphs into autumn, Jean Kigel Studio & Gallery features paintings of nature’s rich transformation from green to gold with the show “Golden Days.

Kigel’s watercolors dance with flaxen fields and bronze hills, and her Asian brushwork celebrates colorful fruits and mountains.

Kigel launched the gallery at 1396 Back Cove Road in Waldoboro in June, after the sale of her Brick House Gallery, and has hosted visitors nonstop ever since. The gallery is open daily, and this time of year, it’s a good idea to call 832-5152 before arriving.

Maine native Jean Kigel is a specialist in watercolor, Asian brush painting and gyotaku monoprintings. She paints subjects from eclectic sources with energy and passion, most notably the Muscongus Bay environment of her studio/home and its perennial gardens as well as images from her travels to China, Japan, and Latvia. The artist’s interpretations of florals and landscapes possess a remarkable subtlety of color and light. Her work can be viewed at