“Old Pilings New Harbor” by Jean Kigell.
“Old Pilings New Harbor” by Jean Kigell.

During April, Jean Kigel Studio + Gallery in Waldoboro presents “Pattern and Repetition: Natural and Man-made.”

Jean Kigel is fascinated in patterns drawn from eclectic sources, notably from Midcoast Maine and travels to the Far East. The parallel trunks of pine in Maine, the refractions of light on water, the cone-shaped karsts of China and Japan, and the micro-organisms in water are some of her favorite  subjects  for paintings of patterns in nature. By contrast, pilings in Maine harbors, slanted sails of regattas, and roof tops in Latvia are among her favorite subjects for paintings of patterns made by man.

Kigel specializes in Asian brush painting, watercolors and oils. Preview her show online at www.jeankigel.com and visit her gallery year-round at 1396 Back Cove Road, Waldoboro.

For more information, email jean@jeankigel.com or call 207-832-5152.