Work by John Houck.

The Center for Maine Contemporary Art in Rockland invites the public to a free closing reception from 3 to 5 p.m. May 7 to get a last look at the spring exhibitions.

The event includes in-person gallery talks by Nicola López and Young Sun Han, and “Walk the Line” artists Paolo Arao, Grace DeGennaro, Jeff Kellar, and Will Sears will also be in attendance. Refreshments and a live music performance by Robin Lane will be located in the courtyard.

“Walk the Line” features an exceptionally diverse range of works by eight Maine and Maine-connected artists who share a central use of linear or geometric forms in their compositions. The exhibition features Paolo Arao, Grace DeGennaro, Clint Fulkerson, John Houck, Jennie C. Jones, Jeff Kellar, Paula McCartney and Will Sears.

Nicola López’s “Visions, Phantoms, and Apparitions” features a monumental mixed media installation accompanied by three related bodies of work that collectively reference three timeframes — past, present and future — as reflected through the lens of climate change and the built world.

Chris Doyle’s “The Fabricators” premieres a 48-foot-long multi-channel video projection on an artist-designed screen, featuring a group of related machines locked in loops of perpetual labor. The video is accompanied by two preparatory drawings for the animation.

Young Sun Han’s “Passages from a Memoir + Tourist in the Dark” is a text and photo-based installation that responds to consequences of war and migration in North and South Korea. Through research and travel — mining memoir, oral histories, articles, travel brochures, and forbidden photographs — Han’s installation examines stories of the Korean diaspora.

CMCA is located at 21 Winter St., Rockland. For more information, go to