“Hope Springs Eternal,” acrylic on panel, by Jodi Edwards.

Jodi Edwards will show her work at Portland Art Gallery beginning May 5. An opening reception will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. May 5, and the work will remain on exhibit throughout the month.

Edwards is an abstract painter who lives in Maine.

“I have come to understand that the very precise shapes I often deliberately paint over a layer of less cohesive work could be a metaphor of sorts for the chaotic world we live in today,” she says. “The exactness and accuracy of the shapes I make using tools such as a T Square and compass provide calm, serenity and order in a world that is often turbulent and unsettled.”

Learn more about the artist at www.jodiedwards.net.

Portland Art Gallery is at 154 Middle St., Portland. Call 207-956-7105 for more information.