Celeste June Henriquez discusses her work in the Maine Art Gallery exhibit currently on view in Wiscasset. Photo by Wendy Ross.

The seven artists and their mentor whose works are currently on display at the Maine Art Gallery in Wiscasset have named this exhibit “Collective Imagination.” The title is an apt description, as the artists have actually formed a collective for the purpose of inspiring and critiquing each other’s work. For the past seven years or so, they have grown in their ability to express themselves through regular meetings for critique and inspiration.

In a recent artists talk at the gallery, Celeste June Henriquez and Doreen Nardone responded to questions about the inspiration for their work. They explained how their personal life stories have contributed to their artistic development. These stories help to enhance the viewer’s experience of the paintings on display. “Non-representational images express emotion, but the subject of the artist’s feelings is not so clear,” said a visitor. “It was fascinating to understand the circumstances behind the creation of a work of art.”

The show continues its hours from 11 am. to 4 p.m. through Sept. 17 in the Old Academy Building at 15 Warren St., Wiscasset.

The Maine Art Gallery is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement and preservation of painting, sculpture and graphic arts through exhibitions, lectures, demonstrations, and educational programs for children and adults. The gallery is located at 15 Warren St., Wiscasset. Visit www.maineartgallerywiscasset.org for details.