Midcoast artists who are members of the Union of Maine Visual Artists are invited to respond to this call for art for the show “Resurgence: UMVA In the Midcoast” at the Camden Public Library, 55 Maine St., Camden, from Jan. 4 to 29.

The deadline to submit work is Dec. 1 for this open-themed show.

To receive submission guidelines, email Deb Vendetti at msky231@tidewater.net with the subject line “Resurgence at CPL.”

All artists must be members of UMVA as of January 2023 to participate. Artist memberships range from $25 to $45, or a Household membership for two people is $40 annually. More information is available at www.theumva.org/joindonate.

The Union of Maine Visual Artists represents visual artists statewide in all fields of endeavor and welcomes those who support contemporary artists in Maine. The UMVA is dedicated to upholding the dignity of artists, while creating positive social change through the arts.