When I assumed the presidency of the Board of Directors in July, I did not imagine that I would lock the Harlow for the last time on November 30. I did so with a mixture of sadness and relief. Like many of you, I grieve the loss of our gallery. However, we still have our art, each other, and a community eager to see us succeed. The future awaits!

For the past few weeks, the Board has been occupied with exiting the building and updating our technology and information systems. Many, many thanks to everyone who helped us with these tasks. As I sort through our files in preparation for storage, I am reminded of the KVAA’s many accomplishments over the past sixty-plus years. I am confident that by this time next year we will look back on a new set of achievements: exciting exhibitions, joyful gatherings, updated bylaws, and reenergized committees.

Please know that the KVAA Board voted to extend all memberships through 2023, so we will not ask for membership renewals at this time. However, I hope you will join me in making a year-end gift to the KVAA, as a gesture of confidence in our future and faith in our mission. Checks may be sent to our mailing address in Sidney. (We are unable to accept credit card donations right now but we are working on it.)

Along with the other members of our dedicated board, I wish you all the blessings of the holiday season, and I hope to see you at our KVAA events in the new year.

— Karen Allen, president of KVAA

What’s in store in 2023:

KVAA will host shows in March and April at Slates Restaurant, Hallowell. Additional information to come).

Maple Hill Farm Bed and Breakfast Inn & Conference Center invites artists to submit work for the ongoing exhibition. If you are interested in this opportunity, email Scott Cowger at scott@maplebb.com.