“Salvage,” by Jean Kigel.

Jean Kigel Studio + Gallery in Waldoboro presents paintings of a rite of spring. In this case, spring housecleaning is nature’s scouring the shores.

The show, “Storm Recovery,” features a watercolor of rusty chains titled “Salvage.” In this painting, mooring chains from docks and floats, having been wrenched loose by recent storm surges and extracted from mud, are looped over a fence.

Other watercolors in the show depict treasures scoured by the tides, like clam shells, periwinkles and sea urchins.

Jean Kigel Studio + Gallery is at 1396 Back Cove Road in Waldoboro. The gallery is open daily with flexible hours. Call first is recommended at 207-832-5152. For more information or to view paintings, visit