Sharyn Paul Brusie Art work
“Goats of Bass Harbor” by Sharyn Paul Brusie.

Yarmouth Frame and Gallery’s Earth Day Show celebrates our beautiful planet by planting a tree wherever the buyer chooses for each work of art sold. 

The opening reception was held on April 20. The work will remain on view through June 22.

This show includes work by Sharyn Paul Brusie, whose paintings have an underlying seriousness to the whimsy of woodland animals in their habitat.

Vanessa Nesvig’s pencil and watercolor botanical works on paper reflect what goes on in our own backyards and preserves.

YARMOUTH Flourish of Birds lowrz
“Flourish of Birds” by Wendy Newbold Patterson.

Wendy Newbold-Patterson works in encaustics that impressionistically depict our oceans and sea birds.

KHarris Brill’s assemblage art contains found, manmade objects combined with Mother Nature’s creations.

Sheri Oliva’s paintings reflect a serene, melancholic woodlands.

Chad Creighton’s painting on wood are fun and amusing.

Alice Ingraham’s paintings are reminiscent of the playfulness of our smaller forest friends.

Anya Doll’s layered fabrics have depth and mystery while remaining fun and interesting.

Cynthia Asherman’s paintings on weathered clapboards warm the heart by reminding us of our gardens.

For sculpture, John Bowdren employs silver- and gold-leaf over mahogany to create suggestive bird sculpture pieces that move with the wind.

Mike Libby’s assembled metal insects are imaginative and fun.

Anne Alexander’s ceramic works take on a life of their own with various glazes.

Judy Segal;s porcelain pieces are uniquely handcrafted.

Yarmouth Frame And Gallery is at 720 Rt. 1, Yarmouth. Call 207-846-7777, email, or go to for details.