Roux Searing Sunset on a Maine Island
“Searing Sunset on a Maine Island” by Harriet Libby.

In May, the Roux & Cyr International Fine Art Gallery will feature a new artist and teacher, Harriet Libby.

As part of Creative Portland’s First Friday Art Walk on May 3, Libby will be in the gallery with her latest paintings to meet patrons and students. The event will occur from 5 to 8 p.m. and is free of charge. Wine, cheese and other refreshments will be available at this family friendly event.

The gallery focuses on representational fine art.

Roux Harriet
Harriet Libby

Libby won a prize in a juried art show held at the Roux & Cyr International Fine Art Gallery in 2019. That was followed by a solo show at the gallery. Her paintings have been exhibited in galleries and art centers throughout New England for 20 years. She has studied with Tom Mayer, John Morfis, Joanne Cyr and Michael Ranucci. When Libby began painting 20 years ago, her first art show sold out.

A native Mainer, Libby lives and works in Naples. She grew up in Aroostook County, where she appreciated the open vistas and skies. Her first paintings were of Maine potato fields and big, expansive skies. She enjoys painting the varied land and seascapes of her native Maine, capturing surf, farmland and lakes with equal skill. Clouds are her specialty.

“I use light and atmosphere to convey serenity in water, clouds, fog, mist and the overall beauty that surrounds me,” Libby says.

The interaction of land and water is realistically depicted by Libby with contrast of substance and light.

Not just anyone could replace seasoned teacher Susan Roux, who founded the Roux & Cyr International Fine Art Gallery 10 years ago. After years of painting with Roux, her students have advanced in their own abilities. Roux plans to retire in June and enjoy a well-deserved retirement.

Gallery owner Leslie Gatcombe-Hynes was excited that Libby agreed to take on the challenge of teaching Roux’s classes at the gallery beginning in June. Libby has prior experience with teaching painting, and she is enthusiastic about teaching at the gallery where she has previously exhibited. It is appropriate that Libby had already been scheduled to be the Artist of the Month for May. Libby’s paintings in the show will remain on exhibit at the gallery throughout May.

Roux & Cyr International Fine Art Gallery is at 48 Free St., Portland. See for details.