Watercolor by Priscilla Coote.

“In the Footsteps of John Marin: Cape Split + Addison Artists” opened June 2 at MOTHERS Art & Antique Gallery featuring artwork by seven artists from Downeast: Art Edwards, Charlene Curry, Maria Zukoff, Michel Chalufour, Nancy Rankin, Nina Jerome and Priscilla Coote.

The exhibition will remain on view throughout June.

These artists, who work in a variety of media, including paint, photography, ceramics and wood turning, continue the artistic legacy of Cape Split’s modern master, John Marin, who summered there from 1933-1953. Marin’s daughter-in-law ran a well-known art gallery, Cape Split Place. Both Marins attracted a Who’s Who of leading Maine and American artists. These Cape Split and Addison artists’ work is inspired by the Marins and informed by all aspects of Mother Nature in this ruggedly beautiful area guided by what their eyes see, hearts feels, and hands touch.

The opening also served as the grand opening of the newly finished second floor of the gallery, which doubles the exhibition space.

MOTHERS Art Gallery is at 19 Church Hill Circle, Columbia Falls. Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday from May 1 to Sept. 21 but closed during the last week of each month, otherwise open by appointment by calling 510-504-1109. Learn more at